"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision, the ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."
-- Andrew Carnegie
The way in which different members of a team collaborate makes the difference.
We are here to help you have that edge.
We designed it to promote communication in a way in which everyone is able to know what their coworkers are working on…Unless you don't want that, in which case you can make groups of teams so only they can see what they are doing
This allows not only teams to be synchronized on their daily tasks but also encourages team members to help each other in accomplishing them.Oh almost forgot! The team manager and everyone else you give access to, can see and participate in every team!
Last but not least is the fact that we made it so that everything is clear and well defined.Just like everyone, we like our user interface simple and intuitive!
Early access
We are inviting a small set of beta users to TeamJournal based on how they would engage with the product. Full access is expected for late 2022.